To get started with your bathroom layout and planning, You need to work things out in your own head as to where you want things to be placed, Your Bathroom layout and planning is crucial whether it be new build or a refurbishment.

You need to know where you want your appliances situated, You also need to have a good idea of where your plumbing pipes are going to be situated to feed water at the same time as offering a water waste for your newly fitted appliances.

It all depends on where you choose to have your sanitary-ware fitted in your bathroom, Meaning your toilet, sink, bath and fittings.

Often plumbing pipes will need to be relocated to offer a water feed to your new sanitary-ware whilst also offering a waste pipe for used water. In some cases you can feed off your existing supply and use your existing waste.

Tips On Planning Your Bathroom Layout:

  • Firstly, Get yourself a pen and paper and start drawing the layout you have in your head while keeping the below tips in mind!
  • For Toilets, Always try to use your existing soil pipe for your toilet to save on plumbing expenses moving it elsewhere.
  • Try to situate your new sanitary-ware to match your existing plumbing to save on plumbing expenses moving pipe-work
  • Try to best utilise the space you have by choosing the exact right sized appliances to fit perfectly in the space you have. (Always double check sizes)

Levelling The Floors & Walls ready For New bathroom:


Often, Over time bathroom floors tend to sink a little with the water damage they take over the years, this is usually only the plywood underneath while it has taken its due course over the years,

It’s always a good idea to thoroughly check the floorboards joists, wall studs whilst the floor is up at the same time as inspecting the existing pipework for it’s general condition.

Once all work is done to any disrepair on the floor or with existing pipe-work, you check the existing joist’s are completely level and strong before laying the floor base.

We recommend to use a thick 15ml marine ply over your existing floor level for super strength and reliability you expect to last for years, It does cost a fair chunk for a piece of wood! but worth it all day long.

Bathroom Plumbing Plans! – Be Prepared Where You Want Your Sanitary-ware:

Bathroom planning north wales image

Where you plan to have your toilet, bath and sink is going to massively depend on where your plumbing pipes are going to need to be on our behalf!

We offer a complete bathroom design package where we can help you get set up and prepare these steps. We need to know this information upfront before we can price any job up, This is due to the amount of floor woodwork and pipe relocating.

Know Where Your Soil Pipe Is – Your Main Toilet Pipe:

The main toilet where it runs out the back of your house is crucial in a bathroom layout and planning because moving the main toilet soil pipe can quickly become a nightmare for a plumber and very costly for the customer.

Always try to work your bathroom out, Where you can possibly leave the toilet soil pipe in the same place running to the outside of your house.

An interior plumb flexible pipe allows us as plumbers to move the toilet from side to side on the inside of your house wall to accommodate for some flexibility with moving the toilet from side to side.

Our Top Ten Tips on Bathroom Layout And Planning:

  1. Start by measuring your bathroom space to get a sense of your layout options.
  2. Think about how you’ll use the space, then decide which fixtures need to be where.
  3. Use your available space wisely to make your bathroom feel bigger overall.
  4. Make the most of a small bathroom by planning its layout carefully.
  5. Always try to use your existing pipe-work so you can replace sanitary-ware like for like.
  6. Consider adding built-in storage to maximise space in your bathroom remodel.
  7. Choose the right bathroom fixtures and fittings to add value to your home, Choose high-quality fixtures for durability and style.
  8. Use coloured tiles or wall panelling to bring warmth into your bathroom, and incorporate it into your decorating scheme.
  9. Choose a shower that’s right for your bathroom, depending on how much room you have.
  10. Make your space as efficient and easy to use as possible.

Conclusion: Don’t underestimate the importance of planning the layout of your new bathroom space; it’s one of the most important things you can do to ensure that it functions well and looks great!

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We then provide you with a detailed quote by email once you have chosen your bathroom appliances.

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